4 Unique Family Traditions to make Halloween 2022 Extra Spooky
Looking for ways to make Halloween 2022 the spookiest yet? Check out our list of 4 unusual Halloween traditions to add a unique touch to your celebrations.
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The Valentine’s Day Gift Guide 2022
When February 14th rolls around each year, the air is filled with romance across the country. From picnics in the park to expensive candlelit dinners, you are able to spot date nights everywhere.
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Ranking the Best-Selling Christmas Toys Of All Time
From dolls with a passion for fashion to handheld digital pets, the wide landscape of toys is ever-evolving.
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Is it Okay to take a ‘Candy Tax’ from Your Kids?
With Halloween coming up, I started salivating at the thought of all the sweets I could ‘borrow’ from my younger relatives- but started to wonder about the morality of the ‘candy tax’.
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Did you know there are 7 types of Gift-Giver?
There is a lot to love about giving gifts. It’s a fact of life that you can’t avoid...and why would you want to?!
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Thoughtful yet romantic Dating Anniversary gift ideas
It’s good to remember those special dates in our life precisely because they can be so easy to forget. Life has a habit of getting in the way, doesn’t it?!
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How to react when someone flirts with your partner…
So, obviously, we all know our partners are hot stuff, but how do we react when others know our partners have got it goin’ on? You might be a couple who thinks a bit of admiration from others is nothing more than flattery and laugh it off together, or you may be someone who feels scorned at […]
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Is it right to ‘re-gift’ an unwanted present?
We’ve all been there - a birthday or Christmas rolls around and we excitedly tear into that shiny gift from grandma only to see the 10th consecutive pair of socks or (god forbid) a Lynx Africa set…
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